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Tour Guide

Friday night, never a dull moment!

Friday night 6 hour investigation with different groups of people in sets of 2 or 3 people per group. Several different reports of activity.

K2/EMF in the cistern room prior to the tour. We walked through the building then split into 2 groups covering each floor. On the 2nd floor in the bay window room, two maglights were used set up in different areas of the rooms. One near the hallway on a stud and one on the floor in front of us. The maglight on the stud near the hallway seemed to be the favorite. As we questioned the sprits and they obliged by turning the flashlight on & off for us. Using 2 sets of dowsing rods as an experiment to see if each set would work at the same time, only one seemed to work well crossing and uncrossing responding to questions. A male quest wanted to try and of course, I was eager for him to do so. He sat next to me on the floor, I gave him a quick lesson and off he went amazed at the reaction of the rods crossing and uncrossing for him as well. When he was finished, someone commented the maglight on the floor had not turned on at all while we were in this room. We were discussing moving on to another room and I just could not go until the untouched maglight turned on. I thanked the spirits for using the one near the hallway but requested they turn on the maglight on the floor. Several minutes of coaxing went by and finally the spirits in the room felt comfortable enough to get near the maglight on the floor in front of me and turned it on. We thanked them and moved on to explore the rest of the upper floors.

In the attic 4 men experience the red ball roll on the floor then roll back to the spot from which it began. They are returning customers every year and we love having them as much as love to investigate. They also had maglight activity in the basement slave quarters as well as their dowsing rods working all over the building.

The groups had downloaded the ovulous app on their phones, many reported the name Adam repeatedly through the night inside and outside the building.

A group of 3 girls on the first floor near the prostitute’s room sat on a small sofa, one of them felt 2 hands on her back give her a shove.

In the cistern, a laser grid light was set up. In the corner opposite of the cistern area, a shadow was seen crouched down hiding behind the round table. We asked it to come out of the corner and saw it move however never out of the corner, I believe it was moving to try to stay hidden.

Cold chills and goosebumps were experienced by one man who had to step outside for some fresh air as he felt ill and very uncomfortable and admitted this has never happened to him anywhere else in his ghost hunting adventures.

One woman sensed a hanging in the house, she thought perhaps in the basement cistern area. I shared a story I knew of however a hanging somewhere else in the house. We discussed that perhaps prior to the house being built on to in the back the land would have been filled will trees and maybe she was picking up on a much earlier time period.

The 2nd floor left back corner of the house was not a favorite for many, they did not feel welcomed in this room, extremely uncomfortable.

An active night again, many stories and experiences shared as indeed the Morse Mill Hotel rarely disappoints its visitors!!

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