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A "hot" Monday in August!

Tour Guide

7:00-9:00 pm

For the past three years as a guide, I lead guests through the house taking the same routine path each week. Although the results are different each time, I often wonder do the resident spirits of the house get bored with the same routine?

I believe they know the walk I am going to take and therefore can prepare for our arrival to each room by either hiding from us or engaging with us as they see fit.

Tonight due to the small group of people I had as guests, I switched up my normal routine. Perhaps hoping to catch the spirits off guard from the normal path I choose to walk through the house.

We began discussing history in the piano room and looking through the scrapbook of census records and old pictures of previous owners. Prior to this the K2 meters sitting on display case were pegging up to red. K2 meters are one of the first things I turn on upon entry to the house. I find it very interesting it doesn’t seem to take long after I do so, someone comes to visit to see who is in the house.

We started our journey up to the 2nd floor and turned right once at the top of the stairs. At the end of the hall two of the K2 meters began to peg to yellow and orange. We then stepped into the bedroom #3 on the right. I pointed out a piece of history on the wall, spoke of the video of the little girl captured in this room in the window, and spoke of other experiences guests have had in the room. In particular when I told of a group sitting in a circle on the floor having K2 pegs simultaneously one at a time, we called it “playing duck, duck, goose” with a ghost. Our K2 meters then began to flash a few times and peg to red.

We asked was this you? Would you like to play that game again? The meters stopped flashing. One person had chest pain and stepped into the hallway and their pain was gone. We continued down the hall and stepped into the old “blue room”. Not many people visit this room anymore due to the change in the attic steps, the only access to the attic used to be through this room, it has since been moved. We also had the K2 meters flashing up to red in this room. It wasn’t immediate upon entry however, they seem to start after I told of a new story I had received last week from a previous owner’s grandson and granddaughter. (I will save this story for tour guests, it is very creepy!)

In the bay window room #5, the K2 meters pegged around the chair located by the windows and also across the hall in the middle room when I talked about the man on this floor.

On our way up to the attic, one guest stated she felt light-headed at the tops of the steps. We spent some time sitting up there, trying to reach out to the little girl and did receive K2 pegs up to yellow.

We went downstairs to visit each room on the 1st floor and made our way into the basement.

Mag lights were set up in the slave quarters area where one light was turned on and left on and the other light turned on and off responding to questions. Preparing to leave this room, I thanked whoever was communicating with us and advised we were leaving the room. When I approached the maglights to pick them up, my K2 meter pegged to yellow.

The group decided we would sit in room #2 and use dowsing rods. I started by demonstrating how to use them and they crossed and pushed apart answering questions. The guests then used them with the same results.

While one guest was using them, I announced I needed to step out to use the facilities (porta-potty) and the rods pointed toward the front door. When I returned and stepped into the room, the rods pointed at me. The ladies commented on this action by the rods. OK strange, I need to put this to the test. I slowly walked across the room in front of the girl holding the rods and slowly walked back to the doorway. Yes, the rods followed me pointing and moving with my every step. The guest holding the rods commented she did not do that, she didn’t move and commented on how using them she could feel the energy.

Unfortunately it was time to call it a night and we had to end our mini investigation. For me, I enjoyed changing up the route of my routine walk through the house. I enjoy every walk through however, I do wonder if the spirits liked it, disliked it or even noticed the difference. I’d like to think with all the K2 pegs we had I perhaps caught some of them off guard and next time I am in the building they will not know what to expect.

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