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They heard footsteps on upper floor, upon entry as they shut off the “Alarm”?

Tour Guide

11:00 p.m. – 1:00 a.m.

  • We arrived at 10:30 p.m. for 11:00 tour. We heard footsteps in the back of the house on the first floor. I set out K2 meters on the display case and after about 5 minutes they started lighting up.

  • Since we knew we had company we used the dowsing rods in the piano room asked if they would like to hear us (my sister and I) play. The rods pointed to the piano. We played a few songs we remembered from childhood lessons after Toni refreshed my memory on the notes. Using the dowsing rods again, I asked if they liked the songs, the rods crossed for yes. I then asked was our playing good? The rods didn’t move. I then asked was the playing ok? The rods crossed for yes. I guess our lack of playing for the past 20 odd years needs a bit of refreshing per the spirit in the room.

  • Once the guests arrived and we proceeded on our walk through the building we had a lot of K2 activity spiking up to red in many rooms. It started in the dining room continued to the 1st floor bay window room and room #4. While in room #4 we all heard a giggle. One guest had an ovulous app downloaded to her phone. The words “leave” and “pastor” came across in room #4. Now this is significant to me because my sister and I have a grandfather who was southern Baptist preacher who passed away in 1978. Was he present and did his presence make Vi uncomfortable? The K2 spikes continued up to red in room #4 however we were ready to move on through the rest of the house. I asked Vi if she wanted to come with us and “sure” came through on the ovulous.

  • 2nd floor bay window room-one K2 meter was holding at red while I was talking about the door in that room shutting by itself. The same guests K2 meter was lighting up to red as we walked down the hall. Someone suggested she switch K2 meters with another person and she did. It didn’t matter, the different K2 she held continued to light up to red. When she asked ‘are you a little girl?’ the K2 meter held at red. Across the hall in the big bedroom/little girl room the K2 meters were all lighting up. We also heard footsteps as if they were in the next room (blue room) and the sound of a shoe dragging the floor. We were all standing still.

  • In the attic the K2 meters were very active and even followed us into the small room. While we sat around the toys I set up a mag light and asked to turn it on for us. The digital recorder picked up a little girl saying “no”.

  • The group split up and I set up mag lights in the dining room and piano room. The mag light in the dining room came on then turned off, a few seconds later the two in the piano room came on and then turned off. The guests used the dowsing rods with great success in the piano room and came into the dining room to try in there also. One particular guest was using them when her friend wanted to try. I assisted the friend getting set to use them. The rods kept pointing to the girl who had them previously, no matter what we asked. She was the chosen one for the night.

  • We wanted to spend some time in the basement before the night ended. Some stayed in the fireplace room trying to get EVP’s while four of us went into the slave quarters with three mag lights. I set them up each pointing in a different direction and upon request they turned on and off for us.

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