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Attic: Lots of activity.

Tour Guide

Attic: Lots of activity. All of the k2’s were lighting up, flashlight came on, ball moved slightly. On the far end of the attic it sounded like a door slammed but no one was moving. In the small room at the end of the attic the k2 was lighting and the dowsing rods were responding to questions. All responses, happen quickly, no hesitation...

2nd floor bay window room: One group spent most of their time in this room, had responses to questions on k2’s, flashlights and dowsing rods. Felt that they were communicating with a soldier who had died of an illness in the hotel. During the discussion they heard the windows rattle, at first they thought it was the wind. It didn’t happen again until they said, if that was you can you rattle the windows and it happened.

Dining room: showing some of the group how to use the dosing rods, they kept pointing to one guy, gave him the rods and they kept pointing at him and responding to him.

Fireplace room: flashlight came on while sitting on fireplace.

Slave room: flashlight came on and the dowsing rods were responding to questions.

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