Saturday 1/27/18 8pm-Midnight Tour started in the cistern room in the basement. From the slave quarters we heard a noise made by metal. We entered the room and found the chain hanging over the block by 3 links. Maglight flashlights were set up on the block and turned on and off when asked and not before any questions were asked. We spent approximately 20 minutes in this room. On the first floor in the piano room the group heard wood creaking coming from the back of the house. Not footsteps however, wood creaking as if someone was shifting their weight from one leg to the other. The tour continued throughout the house. The last stop was the attic. I stepped outside to retrieve something from my vehicle. I exited through the cistern room. When I returned one cabinet door was open. My group was still upstairs and I know that door was not open when I passed it 5 minutes or less prior to exiting the building. I always shut the doors if not lock them as well. In my five plus years with the hotel, I have never had this happen. Guests reported KII meters spiking to red on the second floor in the bay window room. The other couple stated they had something growl at them on the second floor outside the bay room window. I asked them to show me where the sound/growl was heard, they pointed to the hallway door/old bathroom area/river side of the house. Later in the night myself and the two guests that heard the growl decided to sit quietly in the bay window room and just listen. At the end of the hallway, toward the back of the house, by the window we heard scratching on the foam insulation. We watched, then walked over to the area, nothing was there. We mocked the sound by lightly scratching on the foam insulation and decided this was indeed the noise we heard. Dowsing rods were used throughout the house, fireplace room, piano room Vi’s room & the second floor. The piano room was by far the best area that night for responses with the rods. In Vi’s room a maglight was set on the windowsill and turned on & off 4 or 5 times then abruptly stopped. The slave quarters was visited again and again the maglights were set up, responded to questions. Very exciting night with new things happening. May be not new however, fir
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