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Day 1, for our new Tour guide in training "Kenny".

My First Ghost Adventure Going into this night, I was very skeptical about ghost hunting. This changed very quickly.

The tour guide and I sat a Maglite on the piano, located beside the kitchen on the first floor, and began unpacking the rest of the equipment that we would be using. The light began to flicker as I was asking her questions about what she had experienced and the type of equipment she uses.

When we noticed the flickering, she began to ask the spirit questions. At first, the spirit was a little shy, but became more willing to interact with us the longer we waited.

Next came the dowsing rods and more questions. The spirit felt very strongly about a few questions we asked. The ones that stood out the most to me was “did you live here at some point?” and “do you like the construction taking place?”. I learned that the spirit was a woman who I believe to be Mary, John Morse’s second wife. She lived here in the later decades of the 1800s. She seemed very unhappy about what was being done to the place. The dowsing rods turned 180 degrees in the snap of a finger.

My interest was piqued and I was blown away by what had taken place within twenty minutes of arriving. Before we could continue, the guest began to arrive and we had to prepare them to enter. Once all the guests arrived and entered the building, they began signing their waivers. They were ecstatic to be there and began asking questions. As the tour guide explained the history of the place, the Maglite flickered off and on at random unexplained intervals. To me, it seemed as though it came on to validate statements she had made.

After the introduction, everyone grabbed their gear for the night which included dowsing rods, Maglites, K2 meters and voice boxes and began touring the building. We walked around the ground floor first, then the basement, on to the second floor and finally the attic.

After that everyone went to the floor of their choosing and began searching for spirits. The tour guide and I spent some time in a room on the main floor with a Maglite. She had brought her Doberman named Ruger. He accompanied us and was very uneasy, anxious even. I do not understand but the spirits did not like the dog’s presence. It seemed Ruger could sense he was not exactly welcome there. For me that crushed all the remaining skepticism I had and made me very interested. As it became time to leave, everyone met back on the main floor and began to share experiences.

Spirits had been encountered on all four levels of the building.

In the basement during the walk through, we set a light up and it began to flicker.

One of the guests had spent time down there with a voice box and the Maglite we left set up. He heard a response through the voice box when asking a question about how many spirits were there. The answer was seven.

On the first floor, the tour guide and I experienced the lights flickering in multiple rooms. They flickered to let us know their presence.

We asked questions trying to find out who they were and why they were there.

On the second floor in the bay window room, one lady experienced a headache and arm hurting.

The majority of the guests made a comment about feeling sad in this room. It has a very heavy feeling to it.

In the attic, a few of the guests used a K2 meter, voice box and a trusty Maglite. They did not capture anything on the voice box, but did have a couple of hits on the K2 meter and had some questions answered with the Maglite.

They came to the conclusion that the spirit was a little boy, possibly even a teenager. They said it seemed as if he was playing “hide and go seek” with them.

They were all ecstatic with their findings and are looking forward to doing it again in the near future.

I am blown away with the amount of activity I saw on my first 2 hr adventure and I am thrilled for my next one!!


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