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Around 5 a.m. I heard the sound of boots on the floor walking towards me.

While getting a tour from the owner of the hotel at the top of the stairs on the second floor I saw an old woman dressed in black, it's known that that's how Bertha Gifford dressed.

I started my investigation in the attic of the Morse Mill Hotel. I was using a spirit box and a spirit said John Morse.

I asked Bertha Gifford are you here and a spirit said yeah, after that I started asking her questions about the murders and a spirit said mouth shut! After this I went to the first floor and started investigating in the room where a prostitute was murdered. I tried making contact with her but much to my surprise it was her murderer that was answering questions!

I was using a K-2 meter and every time I asked him a question about her murder the K-2 meter would light up. I asked him if he murdered her because she left him for someone else and it lit up, I asked him how he murdered her and when I asked if he shot her it lit up, I started asking what decade did he murder her and it lit up when I asked did you murder her in the 1870's and I asked the same question again to confirm it and it lit up again!

After that I went to the basement where the slaves were shackled to a stone and I asked were you a civil war soldier that was here when it was a hospital and on the spirit box they said yep hi. I also recieved answers about Al Capone using the house as a speakeasy.

I asked did he use the house as a speakeasy and a brothel and a spirit said yeah.

I also got answers about Jesse James being in the hotel, a spirit said there is a connection between him and the hotel!

After this I was sitting in the kitchen a bit before 3 a.m. and I felt a wall of cold air behind me, I believe this was Bertha Gifford trying to scare me out of the hotel.

When this happened a confederate soldier named Richard showed up and he had black hair, a short beard, brown eyes, and a very worn confederate uniform on that looked like he had been through battle, Bertha was terrified of him and not only left me alone but left the property completely!

I believe she travels between the hotel and the cemetery where she is buried.

Around 5 a.m. I heard the sound of boots on the floor walking towards me.

It was very active, and I can't wait to go back!

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