It has been three long years since I have visited this majestic building. How I have missed it, I cannot put into words. I started as a guide in early 2013 & every weekend I was there excited, anxious, ready for whatever the spirits had to offer. Offer they did! I had no idea what I was about to embark upon. I learned quickly this magical space was special. A paranormal playground not for the weak hearted. I was honored to be a part of it.
What would tonight bring after three years? I called my trusted side kicks, who have been with me here many times, we packed our gear and headed out thrilled to be the first inside hoping to capture and connect with the spirits once again.
The investigation:
We started on the second floor in what we call the crabby man’s room. Cold chills in this room. Spent about an hour on this floor, visited other rooms, all was quiet. Time for the basement, my favorite place! I set up two Maglite's in the dungeon on the concrete block facing different directions. Within seconds one turned on. Peppering them with questions, both flashlights were turning on & off upon request. While in this room it was noted, shadows were seen in the doorway peeking in at us. We asked them to join us however, it was only seen in the doorway.
On the second floor in the living room dowsing rods were used. I asked only questions that could be answered as yes or no. The spirit obliged by crossing & uncrossing the rods. I did ask her to cross them when I said her hair color, knowing the answer beforehand. She crossed on the correct color. We were distracted by a noise in the kitchen, it sounded as if something fell or was dropped on the counter, no one was in there!
Taking a break outside, standing on the steps out front by the street, my co-pilot suddenly grabbed the side of his shorts. His eyes enlarged, he told me his shorts were tugged on. He said it felt like a little kid. This was on his right side, his left side was next to the limestone wall.
Back inside using the rods again in the living room, they abruptly stopped. Seconds later a “shuffling sound” was heard by the staircase. We paused to listen for a bit, tried more questions without luck. Why did the spirit leave in such a rush?
Sitting quietly just to listen to the house & trying to hold back our yawns, as it was getting late, we decided to pack up and head home.
We thanked the spirits for their time & attention. I left feeling thrilled to have had the privilege to be the first to investigate again after three long years and having made some connections once again.
Dawn the fearless!