It was hot as hell and everyone was grumpy, me included.
We were in the basement listening to the girls do their thing in the far back room when Elliot and I decided we needed to be out of that room. It was getting stuffy and the girls ( I'm sorry to say) were annoying us.
We walked into the room just the other side of the stairs and started doing our own investigating. We taunted a little bit and Provoked a lot.
I was in an irritable mood and I'm sure it came out in my provocation. I don't really recall what I had to say other then I insulted the strength and virility of the Male Entity that was "running around scaring girls"
All of the sudden I found myself eye to eye with Elliot, keep in mind he is 6 foot 11 and I am 5 foot 10 and then thrust backwards into a wall.
The only thing I can keep firmly in my mind is that I saw the wide eyed expression on Elliot's face as I went backwards. when I landed I heard Beth scream my name and Elliot was reaching to help me up. I think I went through some drywall but I'm not sure. I ended up with some bumps and a few scratches but all in al I was fine,
I immediately went out side to gather myself then went tearing back to reclaim my dignity. I continued to taunt and provoke but nothing else happened the whole night